Cage Shark Diving South Africa: Face to Face with the Great White
Last Updated on June 1, 2022
It was barely daylight when we set off from our apartment in Camps Bay to Gansbaai, a fishing village some two hours away from Cape Town, South Africa. This fishing town is most famous for its dense population of great white sharks. Although sleepy from the early rise, we were fueled by excitement. The moment we had been waiting for the last couple of weeks was about to come.
After a short briefing at Marine Dynamics, we learned that sharks are really not as lethal as you would imagine. While they may kill between 5 to 15 people a year, we human beings slaughter over 100 million of them over the same period of time.
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Cage Shark Diving, South Africa
As soon as we left the port, we were greeted by two whales – a mother and its child. A sign of the phenomenal wildlife that were to come. We sailed over choppy waters and made our way to the famous Shark Alley, a narrow water channel between Dyer Island and Geyser Rocks.
Once the boat stopped the action began. Everyone was rushing to get into their wetsuits, both because of the excitement and the chilly wind around us. The sharks did not take long to make an appearance and by the time we put on our suits there were already a few of them circling our boat. Nellie and I got in on the first batch, a decision we later regretted since the sharks seemed to ease up a little and get more active afterwards.
An Underwater Rush
Once inside the cage, I felt a bolt of adrenaline rush shooting right through me. The water was freezing cold and the tidal waves were overwhelming. I could hear the shouts of the crew directing where the sharks were coming from each time the animal swam near us.
I struggled to get myself under the water at first, but once under the water I was hooked to the sight of the shark. The look in the sharks’ eyes was haunting. I could literally feel their vigilant eyes scouting their surroundings for the next bite, and I couldn’t help but think that their next bite could easily be myself if not for the iron bars that separate us.
Save the Best for Last
The highlight of the day came when the last group of divers submerged into the icy waters. Towards the end of the dive, one of the biggest sharks around the boat (they were 14 of them swimming around us at one point) breached out of the water in an attempt to catch the bait that the crew were hurdling around.
The inertia of its leap made it crush sideways against the cage with such force that I could feel the bang from the top floor of the vessel where I was standing. The abrupt and unexpected interaction with the animal made all the divers scream with excitement while the rest of us could do nothing but stare in awe.
On our way back to shore, the clarity of the water allowed us to admire a couple of whales swimming beneath our boat, accompanying us for just a brief moment, as if to bid farewell and to put a perfect end to an experience that we will never forget.
Things to Know about Cage Shark Diving
To make sure we do not interfere or disturb the sharks’ natural habitat, Marine Dynamics assures that on its shark cage diving trips, sharks are not harassed, abused or fed. Boatmen use chumming method (fish oil) to catch the sharks’ attention but they do not disturb the animals’ natural behavior.
You do not need to have any diving experience or license. But you do need to be comfortable in water (cold water) and know how to swim. Always keep your fingers inside the cage and be on the alert.
This is an extreme sport activity and should be taken seriously. Treat the sharks with respect and they will respect you in return.
Disclaimer: This cage diving experience was made possible by Cape Town Tourism and Marine Dynamics, but all opinions expressed above are my own.
The Comments
OMG!!! I will NEVER try this experience, even if it looks awesome! Too scared!! But the picture of the shark coming up for the bait, wow!! That must have been very cool!
There are few things I am more scared of than great white sharks! You guys are braver than most!
I need to keep my shark fear in check since I spend a lot of time in the water and it took me years to get over watching Jaws! I don't plan to EVER do this. Seeing them in person would probably give me nightmares. I also don't know how I feel about using chumming methods to attract Great Whites. I can see why some people would enjoy it though.
Active Planet Travel
Wow what an amazing experience! This is one of those things I've longed to do for years now! I couldn't imagine being so close to such a powerful, yet respected animal. It's just a shame more people can't learn to respect them for the beautiful creatures they are…instead they choose to look at them as the horrible monsters society has displayed them to be….Thanks for the write up and wicked pics!
Jeremy Branham
No thanks. These are great photos but I wouldn't want to get that close. Too many unexplained shark attacks recently. I have a fear of sharks. I want nothing to do with them. I admire and respect them but have no desire to get any closer than what I see in an aquarium or on TV. Speaking of, I think shark week is coming up here in the US!
Can't wait until we can try this in September! We have been swimming with sharks in Hawaii, but Great White Sharks will take it to a whole new level of cool! :) Great photos!!
Alberto Molero
Thanks everyone!
It is truly amazing to see these creatures up close.
The experience is completely safe for both divers and sharks, I would recommend it to anyone visiting Cape Town!
I've dived with galapagos sharks but I haven't gone shark cage diving with great whites yet. This looks crazy but is totally on my list!